Recruiters may park at any of the garages surrounding Kyle Field and the Hall of Champions on the day of the fair. The options, listed by preference, are below. On the day of the fair, recruiters are welcome to drive to Lot 62 (Located on the West Side of Kyle Field) to drop off any equipment before going to park in one of the garages below. Business Student Council members will be present to help with anything that must be unloaded on the day of the fair.
Option 1: Cain Garage (preferred)
Located at 500 Gene Stallings Blvd, College Station, TX 77843
This is the shortest and easiest walk to the fair.
Option 2: West Campus Garage (preferred)
Option 3: Koldus Garage (also known as University Center Garage)
*There are a limited number of 30-minute parking spots in Lot 62, if there is a need to park for a short period of time.

Please enter Hall of Champions through the west entrance indicated by the three blue arrows. Recruiters will not be able to park in lot 61 on the day of the fair, or cars will be towed. There are several parking garages shown in the image below around Kyle Field where recruiters can pay to park. Business Student Council will not reimburse for these expenses.